Buyer Script #3 by KW Map Coaching

The Buyer has a “fear of the future” and is worried that they will pay too high an interest rate.
Buyer’s Objection
What if we buy now and the interest rates go down again?
Option A
AGENT: That’s an interesting point. Sounds like you want to save as much money as possible, right?
AGENT: Great. Let’s look at the last year and the trend of interest rates. If you’ve had an opportunity to
watch the business news in the last year you already know that interest rates have been going up every
time the Fed meets, and they are looking at them to continually rise. So since you are concerned about
saving money we should make an offer today while the interest rates are at a low [Insert current rate].
Don’t you agree?
BUYER: OK, that makes sense.
Option B
AGENT: [Insert Buyer’s name], if the interest rates dropped would that mean you would not want to
own your own home?
BUYER: No, not exactly, but we would like the lower interest rate.
AGENT: Interestingly enough, most buyers want the lowest rate they can get. The question is, is the
absolute best home that you chose to raise your family in more important or is the absolute best
interest rate more important?
BUYER: The home we raise our family in is more important.
AGENT: [Insert Buyer’s name], then doesn’t it make sense to go ahead and just buy the home you really
want now and refinance it later if the rates drop significantly?
BUYER: That makes sense.
AGENT: Then let’s do the right thing and buy today.