Buyer Scripts #11 – By KW Map Coaching

Setting Expectation When Working with Buyers

If I am able to listen properly and you are able to articulate what your needs are, we should be able to find the home you’ll buy within the first five homes we look at. If I find that within the first five homes we’re not doing that, then we have a problem. At that point, I’ll ask you more questions so I can reevaluate your needs. Fair enough?

Buyer – Setting Expectations of Trust

I’m going to tell you everything about the homes we will be viewing together, both good and bad. My job is to provide you with enough information so that you can make an intelligent and informed decision. Fair enough?


To a Buyer that Wants to See 20-plus Homes Before Deciding

I would be incompetent if I showed you that many homes. You are interested in finding the home you’re going to buy quickly, aren’t you?


Buyer Wants to Think About It

You’re looking at this house today and you want to go home tonight and think about it, and what if there was another couple who saw this home yesterday and they thought about it last night? What if you lose this home? How will you feel if I call you tomorrow and tell you that it’s already sold to someone else?